Night, the beloved. Night, when words fade and things come alive.

~Antoine de Saint-Exupery



Can't get enough Ezslash?

Ezra's Body of Slash~~Enjoy Slash fanfiction featuring Ezra Standish, resident gambler of The Magnificent Seven? You'll find it here, an alternative list I've created that is devoted to Ezslash and only Ezslash. Fiction, artwork, discussion, constructive criticism, reviews and recommendations are all welcome here, as long as the subject is Ezslash. This list is meant as a forum where those desiring their Ezslash in its pure, undiluted and unadulterated form may find it, so works containing non-Ezra pairings may not be posted here.

I co-moderate, with Sihn, two Ezslash discussion lists:

A Gambler's Lust~A mailing list for the discussion of and posting of stories involving any Ezslash pairing.

The Wildcard and The Rogue~A mailing list for the discussion of and posting of stories involving the Ezslash pairing, Ezra/Buck.

MagniZines~I've also created a list for the discussion of all aspects of The Magnificent Seven zines. All genres--slash, het and gen--may be discussed here.


Sihn also offers the following:

BadElementLuvsGambler~For the pairing of Ezra/Chris.

The Healer's Ace~For the pairing of Ezra/Nathan.

The Magnificent Two~For the pairing of Ezra/Vin.

The Sheriff's Gambler~For the pairing of Ezra/JD.

The Wicked and The Righteous~For the pairing of Ezra/Josiah.

MagnificentAUs~For fiction of all genres--slash, het and gen--taking place in any of the many The Magnificent Seven alternate universes.


The Magnificent Bedlam Boys~Here you will find not only the magnificent artwork of St. Barb, but also a selection of excellent Ezra-centric genfic by a variety of authors.

Sally-Ann ~ A gallery showcasing Sally-Ann's gorgeous The Magnificent Seven montages.


Arcane Lover
Phantom Black Sheep's The Magnificent Seven Slash fiction.

Cat's Ezra Standish Fanfiction Archive
Fanfiction of all genres, focusing on Ezra Standish.

Chicago Blues
A multi-fandom, multi-genre reviews and recommendations site, with a large focus on The Magnificent Seven. Chicago Blues has just been started, so please check back often for updates.

Magnificent AUs Archive
For fiction posted to the MagnificentAUs Mailing List.

The Magnificent Two
The official archive for fiction posted to The Magnificent Two mailing list.

Repository Stockpile Bin Collection Hoard
Mahoney's Slash and Gen fanfiction from The Magnificent Seven.

Singing the Body Electric
The Magnificent Seven slash fanfiction by the incomparable Delphi.

Sihn's Empire
The complete archive for all of Sihn's The Magnificent Seven mailing lists.

WyndWalkers Perch
Slash and gen fanfiction from The Magnificent Seven.


ATF Bible
Background details and information on Mog's Magnificent Seven ATF AU.

The Clarion
A comprehensive, and still growing, roundup of links to The Magnificent Seven sites - fanfiction (all genres), art, information, news, classifieds, and more.


The Fan Fiction Directory
The best and most comprehensive links site for slash fiction on the 'Net.

Fanzine Reviews
A repository for zine reviews, both Slash and Gen, for any fandom. Everyone is welcome to submit reviews to this site.

Jim & Melody's Ugly Website
Looking for an out of print zine? Try here, where you'll find many zines, both new and used, from many fandoms.

Slash Email Lists
A comprehensive listing of fandom's slash mailing lists.

Slash Fiction Online
A Slash fanfiction recommendations and resources site.


The Cascade Hospital
A website resource for fanfiction writers' use, to lend medical authenticity to their stories.

Common Errors in English
Handy online reference to common errors made in standard English usage.

Internet Archive Wayback Machine
Looking for a website that is no more? They may have cached it here before it disappeared.

Writers University
A comprehensive site with discussion and articles concerning the history, culture, law of fanfiction, as well as its many other aspects and issues.

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