Research Links


Hand reaching for book, Getty Images LS006851 (RF)



The Encyclopedia Britannica.  I know they make you pay, but they are worth it.


Information Please Timeline .  Me, I can't remember dates.  I look them up.

Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century.  The man is a maniac and I love him for it.


The Library of Congress.  Always up to something, these boys and girls.


Technology Timeline 1752-1990  No bad air conditioners in 1875!


When all else fails, there are always primary sources.  <g>


If you haven't tried the way-back machine, why not?  And once you're done distracting yourself there, background visuals in the documentary clips are golden.


Social History for the U.S. in the 1920's and 1930's


The Internet Guide to Jazz Age Slang.  How to talk like a sheik or sheba.


Pulp and Adventure Heros of the Pre-War Years.  Ever wonder what your kinfolk were really reading, back then?


The Costumer's Manifesto.  What they wore and so much more.


Writer's Tools


HyperDictionary.  The 1913 Webster's definitions and thesaurus listings are very useful.


The Online Etymology Dictionary.  Invaluable in many ways, including his resistance to pop theories.



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Page Created April 12, 2004.  Last Update January 20, 2006