Everything on this page is fiction. Any resemblance or reference to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Fandom: Houston Knights
Series: Other Authors
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Joe/Levon
Archive: Starwinder's
Title: Partners, Friends, and Lovers... Part 6
Author: Katherine Lehman


Standard Disclaimer: Houston Knights belongs to Jay Bernstein and Michael Butler and Columbia Pictures. No copyright infringement is intended. This is fan fiction, written out of love for the shows. I am making no money off this. I have no money so please don't sue me. Any original characters that may appear in these stories are the property of the author.

Timeline: This takes place approximately two weeks after chapter five. It isn't absolutely necessary to read the previous chapters, but it would help to understand references made in this story to previous events. Chapter 4 is heavily referred to. Particularly those references regard Levon being abused as a child.

Partners, Friends, and Lovers
Chapter 6
By Katherine Lehman

Joe LaFiamma never would have thought that looking at the photo of a child would be so damn difficult. He'd been a cop long enough to have seen some pretty horrific things. Crime scene photos of homicides are never pretty, and autopsies aren't for those with weak stomachs. Dealing with victims and criminals alike, he'd learned to distance himself. To check his emotions at the door so that he could get on with the business of putting the bad guys behind bars.

Joe thought he had enough emotional armor now that the day in and day out ugly shit of the job didn't honestly upset him... much. Well, at least not this bad. After everything he'd seen, Joe never expected a reasonably benign picture of one ten-year-old boy to get to him.

Everyone with a TV has seen those pictures of kids starving in foreign countries, and it may be callous to say so, but he never felt for them what he felt for Adam Thorpe. Adam Thorpe had a name and a loving mother who was scared to death something horrible was happening to him or had already happened. His face haunted Joe. To be honest, it isn't Adam's face that got to him. It was that he looked so much like Levon.

Other than the fact that Adam had green eyes, he was the very image of what Joe's partner, Levon Lundy, would have looked like at that age. He had curly blond hair, the same slender, almost delicate build. Adam had the same elfin look to his face; high cheekbones, and slightly pointed chin that Joe was sure Levon sported as a child.

In the photo, Adam was wearing a cowboy hat, button down shirt and jeans, smiling shyly for the camera. His mother said that he was small for is age, and Joe suspected that Levon was the same way. Given time, Adam Thorpe would likely grow into a long-limbed, lanky man the same way Levon had. Or at least he would if Joe had anything to say about it.

Three days ago his father had kidnapped him. His mother, Grace, had won the final custody battle. Although she hasn't actually come right out and said so, she'd hinted that physical abuse was definitely an issue. Joe's guts knotted up just thinking about this child being in the hands of someone who had hurt him before, and would in all likelihood do so again.

Joe couldn't help Levon as a child when his father was making his life a living hell, but he desperately needed to help Adam.

Joe was pretty certain that his partner just needed to save this kid because no one was there to save him at that age. Both of them were aware that his father had taken Adam for no other reason than to hurt Grace. And that monkey had been riding them for three days.

Joe looked over at his partner, and lover. Levon was studying every thing they'd been able to find out about Adam's father, Mark Thorpe. [Damn. I hope I don't look as bad as he does. But I'll bet I'm running a close second.]

Dark bruises under Levon's eyes were visible testimony to his lack of sleep, and the lines of exhaustion were in danger of becoming permanent features. Levon's shoulders slumped slightly, and his actions lacked his normal graceful, fluid movement.

Joe thought Levon might have lost weight over the past few days. He had to have, because Joe didn't think he'd seen him consume anything that didn't come in a Styrofoam cup with lots of sugar and caffeine. He knew for a fact that Levon wasn't sleeping well.

[I'd bet money he hasn't gotten more than six or seven hours in the past three days. We're in bed later than usual, and I'm sure he's up well before his normal ungodly hour. He's quiet about it, but I know he's having nightmares again.]

Levon was the only person he knew who had quiet nightmares. His lover didn't thrash about or scream. Instead, Levon would go completely rigid, his entire body trembling, bathed in a cold sweat. The loudest sound he'd make was no more than a whimper.

Joe wasn't entirely certain how, or why, but those oddly quiet bouts of fear and desperation would wake him from a sound sleep every time. Joe figured that he was just so in tune to Levon that when his lover wasn't sleeping well, neither did he.

Joe would wake and offer whatever comfort he could. He didn't know for certain but he suspected that Levon simply lay awake, waiting for Joe to go back to sleep, before he slipped out of bed.

Joe wasn't the only one who'd noticed Levon's less than stellar appearance. Beaumont tried to get both of them to leave when their shift was over. [Hell, she's been trying to get us to do that for the last few days. Finding Adam has been the major focus of our lives since the case dropped in our laps. Obsessive/compulsive would be an apt description for either of us.]

Levon leaned back and rubbed one hand over his face. He reached for the coffee cup on his desk. He took a sip, and grimaced in distaste. [The sludge they make here tastes awful when it's hot. Can't imagine it gets any better when it's cold.]

Levon frowned at the file in front of him. His brown eyes rose to meet Joe's. Joe could easily make out the determination there. "We are missin' somethin', LaFiamma. Just wish I knew what in the hell it was."

"Want to do it by the numbers again?" What Joe really wanted to ask was if he wanted to go home, but he already knew the answer to that. He wasn't sure just how much endurance Levon had, but Joe was prepared to go whatever distance his partner went.

Levon closed his eyes, and nodded. He raised both hands to massage his temples. "Family? Known associates?"

Joe glanced at his notes, more out of habit than any real need. They both knew this stuff by heart. Joe was fairly certain he could have recited the details of the case and the information they'd gathered in his sleep. But Levon wanted it by the numbers so they would go over it again. Re-hash the same information and see if anything new shook loose.

"No immediate family in the area. Both mother and father are dead. He has a brother that lives in Taos, New Mexico. But the brother hasn't heard from him in over a year. Thorpe isn't a convicted felon so the computer doesn't have any known associates to give us, and Grace hasn't seen him other than at their court dates since she got a restraining order six months ago. She was no help with anyone he might have gone to."

"No friends?" Levon asked but it came out as more of a statement.

Joe answered anyway. "No. At least not that we've been able to track down. By all accounts the man is something of a loner."


"Lost his job about nine months ago. Boss said he showed up drunk on the job and fired him. Hasn't seen or heard from him since."


"Thorpe lost his license for DUI almost two years ago. Grace got their car in the settlement. No one seems to know for sure just what he was using for transportation."

"Last known address?"

"An apartment on Washington Street. Uniforms searched the place, and canvassed the neighbors. They are also staking it out, but there's been no sign of him yet."

"Witness statements?"

"Surprisingly consistent. According to the secretary at the school, someone claiming to be Grace called and told them that a friend would be picking up Adam from school. The woman apologized for the inconvenience. She said she had forgotten that Adam had a dental appointment, and was lucky to have found a friend who could take him since she couldn't get away from work. The secretary didn't suspect anything was wrong because the caller said her friend would know the safe word."

Many schools had started using safe words as a security precaution. Simply put, it meant each child had a word that any one picking them up from school must know before a child would be permitted to leave. The word was usually something agreed to by the parent and child, and was generally kept on file at the school office. It was supposed to be updated at least once a semester.

"Mrs. Tammy Anders, Adam's teacher, has only been working at Washington Elementary for about three months. She's never met Mark Thorpe and didn't recognize him when he walked in. When he showed up, and gave the word, she had no reason to suspect Thorpe might be dangerous. She says she asked Adam if he knew Thorpe, and Adam nodded. Adam left with him at a little after one. Same story from his classmates, the principal, and other teachers."

"He went willingly?"

Joe shrugged. "No one remembers Adam resisting. No tears, no shouting or pulling away. He didn't raise any of the usual fuss you would expect a child to do if they didn't want to go."

Levon snorted. "Yeah. These are the same people who thought he was just clumsy, too. You'd have to be talented and clumsy to fall down, and bruise both sides of your face at the same time." Levon didn't say it with any malice, just a resigned matter-of-fact cynical tone that left little doubt of what he thought.

Joe couldn't help but wince at that. [Damn but this case hits awfully close to home. I really hope we find Adam alive. I don't think either of us could handle anything less.]

"So who called the school? Obviously wasn't Grace, and it wasn't Thorpe. Was he seein' someone?"

Joe shook his head. "Not that anyone seems to be aware of. But we haven't been able to pin down anyone who's had much contact with him in the last six months."

Levon ran his hands through his hair. "We pulled the phone logs for the school, right?"

"Yeah. We did a reverse directory on it and the call came in from a phone booth that was two blocks from the school."

"Lab boys dusted for prints?"

"Uh-huh. Haven't got the report back yet. Lab said they'd call as soon as they had something for us."

"Damn." Levon sighed quietly. "What about the lawyer he had for the custody case? Anything there?"

"Keeps saying anything they talked about comes under client confidentiality. We've got a subpoena in the works for his records and notes. Should have access to those tomorrow."

"Grace get any calls? Ransom demands? Thorpe just callin' ta harass her? Anythin' at all?" In a normal kidnapping, they would have expected some sort of demand within twenty-four hours. But then, this case was far from normal.

Joe shook his head. "No contact so far. We've got a tap on her line just in case. Joe-Bill and Esteban are with her right now. Carol and her partner are due to relieve them in another hour or so."

Levon nodded. "Okay. So...", He was interrupted by the phone. It seemed incredibly loud in the nearly deserted bullpen. Levon leaned forward and answered. "Lundy....Hi, Hallie."

Joe knew Hallie was one of the lab techs, and he crossed his fingers crossed hoping she had good news for them. All they needed was one lead. Something, anything that might point them in the right direction.

"Whatcha got? Uh-huh... yeah, figured that might be the case.... Ya did? Excellent." Levon snatched up a pencil and a piece of paper and began writing. "Okay. Thanks, Hallie. Owe you one."

Joe raised an eyebrow at Levon, silently asking to be filled in. "Hallie said nearly all of the prints they got were smudged, and most of those they did get, were men. All but one. They found one set of clean prints that belong to a woman. Susan Knox. She was picked up for soliciting and prostitution three years ago, but she's kept her nose clean since then. Hallie pulled her file up on the computer, and got a last known address. It's a long shot, but we ain't got anythin' else ta go on."

Joe grabbed his jacket. "Let's go pay the lady a visit."

Together they headed for the parking garage. They were only ten minutes from their destination when the radio reported a domestic disturbance call. The address given by the dispatcher was the same one they were headed toward.

"Damn. Damn. Damn." Levon cursed softly.

[My thoughts exactly, cowboy.] With a sigh, Joe picked up the mic and answered the call. [Better let them know we are responding.]

Levon sighed. "Tell 'em ta send at least one black an' white, maybe two, just in case. If Thorpe is there, we might need 'em. Course given the way domestic shit usually works out, might need help even it he ain't there."

Joe nodded, and passed on the message to the dispatcher. Most cops were extremely wary getting called in on domestic disputes. They were almost always volatile and unpredictable. The last one Joe had answered was as a uniform officer in Chicago. A man was beating his wife, when Joe intervened and cuffed him, the wife had tried to stab him. It had taken the efforts of both Joe and his partner of the time to restrain her. He hated domestic calls.

Levon brought the Jimmy to a stop in front of a modest ranch style house. Leaving the truck they could easily make out the sounds of voices shouting from inside. The dispatcher had said the neighbors had called it in. [Not a big surprise that. Who ever is inside is making enough noise to wake the dead.]

Together they made their way on to the porch. The sound of a gunshot and breaking glass made both men flinch and duck for cover. Joe drew both guns, and Levon pulled his colt. A second shot sounded, and a woman screamed. Levon nodded once to Joe, and Joe kicked in the door. Levon darted in, heading left, and Joe went right.

In front of them was Thorpe screaming obscenities, and waving a revolver. Joe had no trouble recognizing him from the description Grace had given of her ex-husband. Six feet, blond, blue eyes, and brawny. [Jesus. The man is huge. Looks like he'd have to turn sideways to fit through the door.] Thorpe wasn't fat, he was just big and solid, like a wrestler. Looking at him, Joe couldn't help thinking Adam must have gotten his build from his mother.

Cowering and crying against the far wall was a small, dark-haired woman, Joe assumed was Susan Knox. She had several bruises developing on her face, and one eye was swelling closed. Thorpe turned toward them, pointing the gun first at Levon and then Joe.

"Who the hell are you? Ain't got no business here." Thorpe shouted in a drunken slur. "Get the fuck out!"

"Sir, we can't do that. We are police officers. Now, I suggest you put the gun down. Put it down now, and no one has to get hurt." Joe answered, trying to sound reasonable and calm. He was hoping that they could defuse the situation. He really didn't want to shoot him, but he wouldn't hesitate to do so if Thorpe didn't put down the weapon. Joe's eyes tracked every move Thorpe made.

Thorpe turned back toward the cowering woman. "You called the cops! You goddamn bitch!" Seeming to forget he was holding the gun, Thorpe reached out and slapped her.

"No, baby, I didn't. I swear. I didn't." She continued crying, and huddled closer to the floor. She raised an arm to shield her face.

Levon stepped forward, moving closer to the woman, and drawing Thorpe's attention back to him. "Drop the gun. An' back away from her." Levon ordered, his voice hard and cold. He kept his own gun trained on Thorpe. Everything about Levon's stance promised violence if Thorpe did not obey. "You won't be hittin' her again."

Joe shook his head, realizing there would be little chance of peacefully settling this situation. [If it was one thing the Cowboy has no patience with, it's disrespecting or abusing a woman.] Without any regret, Joe was ready to back Levon. He moved further into the room so that they both had a clear shot at Thorpe.

Thorpe was apparently sober enough to grasp the danger he was in, because he stepped back once and then again.

However, he was still too drunk to fully appreciate the situation. "Nobody needs you here. Get the hell out!"

Levon took another step forward, putting himself almost between Thorpe and the woman. "Oh, I think we need to be here." Levon's voice was still at a conversational volume, but it exuded menace.

Joe recognized it as Levon at his most dangerous. When the cowboy was yelling it was just his way of blowing off steam, but the quieter he got the more likely it was someone was going to get hurt.

"Goddamn cops! Always buttin' in where ya don't belong." Thorpe raised his gun and leveled it at Levon. "I should jus' shoot you!"

Joe tensed. [Please dear God.] He prayed silently and held his breath. Joe didn't want anything to happen to his partner. With enforced calm, he steadied his aim, and planned his shot. If he were careful, he could disable Thorpe. At the moment though, Joe was planning a kill shot.

Levon appeared unaffected by Thorpe's ranting or his threat. The cowboy kept staring at Thorpe, waiting. His posture was relaxed, but ready. And his gun never wavered. His steady gaze seemed to make the larger man nervous. This was obviously not the reaction Thorpe expected. [Hell, it wasn't quite the reaction I expected either.]

"Not a good idea." Levon stated calmly.

Thorpe sneered. "Oh yeah. Why not?"

Levon tipped his head toward Joe. "Because my partner will fill you full o' holes."

Joe grinned. It was little more than a bearing of his teeth. [You bet your ass I will. No one even thinks about hurting my partner and gets away with it. No one.]

Thorpe cast a wary glance at Joe. "Could still git you." Thorpe sounded far less confident than he had only a minute before.

"Maybe. Doubt it though." Levon smiled tightly. "Your aim don't appear ta be very good." Levon nodded toward the broken lamp lying on the floor. That was likely the source of the breaking glass sound they had heard earlier. "An' LaFiamma is a damn good shot. He won't miss. Anyway ya look at it, it's a losin' situation."

Thorpe slowly lowered his gun. He seemed to be thinking about what Levon said. He didn't have the chance to think long because suddenly his eyes rolled back in his head. Thorpe collapsed, falling forward slowly like a felled tree. [Wow. Timber.]

Levon shook his head, his expression thoughtful. "Wonder how much booze it takes to make a man his size pass out?"

Joe breathed a careful sigh of relief. The whole situation was sort of anti-climatic, but Joe wasn't going to complain. Levon didn't get hurt, he didn't get hurt, and that was good enough. The unspent adrenaline in his system would fade soon enough.

Joe moved forward and quickly cuffed Thorpe's hands behind his back. The cuffs just barely fit, and they were tight enough to be painful. [Good. Serves the bastard right for pointing a gun at Levon.]

Levon holstered his gun, and picked up the revolver Thorpe had been holding by the trigger guard. Joe knew he picked it up that way to keep from messing up fingerprints since the gun was probably going to be logged as evidence. Making sure the safety was on, Levon placed the gun on the nearby end table. Then he crouched down in front of the woman, careful to give her enough room so she wouldn't feel trapped or threatened. "Ma'am? You all right?"

The woman hiccuped, trying to halt her tears, she answered. "I'm... I'm okay. Was ju..just..a..a... misunderstanding. Not some... something the cops... need to... bother with."

"Uh-huh. Seems a mite more than just a misunderstandin'." Levon's drawl had an edge to it, and the woman flushed in response.

"Mark isn't... always like this. Just when... he's been drinking."

Somewhat incredulous, Joe asked, "He spend enough time sober to make this worth while?"

"He's a good man. He didn't mean to hit me. He just lost his temper. Was my fault. Always my fault. Mark loves me."

Joe snorted. He'd heard this argument before. He'd never understood how a woman could let someone repeatedly abuse her. But then he couldn't understand how someone would brutalize a person he professed to love either.

Levon gently reached out to help the woman stand. She leaned on him, trembling. "What's yer name, darlin'?"

"Susan. Susan Knox."

Levon nodded. He led her to the couch, and helped her sit. "Nice to meet ya, Ma'am. My name's Levon Lundy, and my partner there, is Joe LaFiamma."

Joe shook his head, somewhat amazed that Levon could make those introductions sound so normal. Especially given how decidedly not normal everything was just a few minutes ago. Joe heard the siren of a black and white approaching. "Back-up is here."

Levon nodded, but didn't turn his attention away from Susan. He examined the bruises on her face making sure they were nothing serious. "Good. They can take Thorpe back to Reisner."

"I'm not pressing charges." Susan declared somewhat defiantly. "I told y'all it was all a misunderstandin'. Ain't no reason for the cops to get involved."

Levon just raised an eyebrow. "Don't really care if you want to press charges or not, Ma'am. That's your choice. Right now, all I really wanna know is where is Adam."

Susan dropped her eyes. She fidgeted nervously. "Don't know any one named Adam."

Levon cupped her chin and gently forced her head up. His voice soft, but firm. "Susan, three days ago you made a phone call to a school. Call was about Adam Thorpe."

"No... no, I didn't make-"

"Do not lie to me." Levon said sharply. Susan flinched away from him, and Levon immediately gentled his tone. "It's been a long day. I'm not in the mood for anythin' other than the truth. Tell me where Adam is."

Susan opened her mouth, and Levon cut her off, pointing a finger at her by way of admonishment. "The truth. Anythin' else an' I might be inclined to let you and Thorpe keep workin' on yer misunderstandin'."

She winced, and looked down at the floor. She took in a shaky breath, and looked up at Levon.

Joe knew she was trying to determine if Levon was serious. [Oh I think he means it lady. He might be a sucker for a damsel in distress, but he cares a lot more about that kid than he does you.] Joe interjected softly. "It would be best if you just told him what he wanted to know."

Apparently, Susan was not entirely a fool. "He was cryin' earlier. Real quiet like, but it was getting' on Mark's nerves. So he locked Adam in the bedroom closet."

"Christ." Levon swore softly. "Joe?"

"I'm on it, Cowboy." Joe moved immediately through the house seeking the closet. It didn't take him long to find it. He quickly unlocked the door. Knowing Adam was probably scared to death, Joe went down on one knee, trying to appear less intimidating to a small child.

"Adam? Are you in there? My name is Joe. I'm a police officer. It's okay to come out now." Joe kept his voice quiet, and calm. He had learned that sounding normal around children tended to sooth them. They were often more sensitive to how things were said than to what was said.

From the back of the closet Adam emerged slowly, green eyes warily assessing Joe and the room beyond. His blond hair was a tousled mop of curls, that immediately made Joe think of Levon when he first woke up. Dried tears had left tracks down Adam's cheeks. He had a large, hand shaped bruise on his right cheek where he'd evidently been slapped hard not too long ago.

Joe winced as he noted the bruise. [Bastard. Should have shot him when I had the chance.]

"You okay, Adam?" Joe asked gently, still careful not to intimidate or upset the small boy standing before him.

"Yes, Sir. I'm okay." Adam answered. He continued to watch Joe. Joe held himself still under that assessing gaze. It felt familiar, and with a start Joe realized Levon tended to do the same thing. His lover would study people, size them up in a second to determine if they could be trusted, if they were dangerous to himself or those around him, if he should be ready to fight or run, duck or strike out. Levon made snap decisions regarding people, and he was seldom wrong. It was disconcerting to be studied the same way by a child. It was even more disconcerting to realize that Levon had probably learned to do it at the same age as Adam, and for the same reason... self-defense.

Joe held out his hand to Adam, and breathed a relieved sigh when Adam took it. Apparently he'd been found worthy of trust, at least conditionally. "Would you like me to call your mom?"

"Is Mama okay?" Adam looked worried.

"Your mother is fine. She's just worried about you."

The little boy nodded, looking surprisingly mature. "Reckon'd she'd be worried. Tried ta call her, but Daddy wouldn't let me." Adam raised a hand to his face, and Joe guessed that Thorpe might have hit him when he tried to call.

"Is Miss Susan okay? I heard Daddy yellin', and I could hear her cryin'. Didn't sound good."

[Don't know exactly how to answer that one.] "You like her?" Joe asked instead of answering the question.

Adam shrugged. "She's been real nice ta me since I been here. Made me lunch, and let me watch cartoons. She tried ta keep Daddy from--" Adam stopped abruptly and looked at the floor.

"She tried to keep him from doing what? Locking you in the closet?"

Adam gave him a jerky nod. "She tried. But Daddy's a lot bigger 'n she is. Bein' in there weren't too bad. Least wise not so bad, Miss Susan had ta get in trouble over it. Didn't want Daddy mad at her cause o' me."

Joe smiled sadly at that. Again he was reminded of Levon. His partner had taken more than one beating, and suffered in silence for no other reason than a mis-guided need to protect someone else.

Joe cautiously guided Adam out to the living room. Two uniformed officers were in the process of hauling the still unconscious Mark Thorpe out of the room. Man-handling that much dead weight would be quite a workout, and Joe was glad he didn't have to help. [I'd drop him on his head a few times just for good measure.]

Adam stared, wide-eyed, at them for just a moment. His gaze quickly shifted to the other occupants in the room. He released Joe's hand heading for Susan.

"Miss Susan? Ma'am, are you okay?"

She gave him a shaky smile. "Sure, honey. I'm fine. Nothing you need to worry about. Your daddy just lost his temper for a bit. Was my fault. No harm done."

Adam stared at the bruises on her face. Tentatively, he reached to ghost small fingers over her black eye. With the simple candor only a child was capable of Adam observed, "Mama usedta say the same thing. She don't hafta say that now that she ain't with Daddy anymore."

Adam jumped away from Susan, and quickly stepped back toward Joe, when Levon appeared from the kitchen carrying an ice pack. Joe rested his hand on Adam's shoulder, trying to reassure the boy with physical contact. The last thing he wanted was for the child to be afraid of his partner.

Levon handed the ice pack to Susan. She put it to her face with a wince and a sigh. "You sure you don't want to go to the hospital, ma'am?" Levon asked her.

"No. I'll be fine."

Levon nodded. He glanced over to Joe. His expression clearly showed what he thought of her decision, but he wouldn't fight her on it. Joe thought it was a good time to introduce his partner to Adam.

"Adam, this is my partner, Levon. Levon, this is Adam."

Adam gave Levon the same careful once over he'd given Joe.

To Joe's surprise, Levon returned the look in equal measure, sizing up the child in front of him. It was obvious that Adam wasn't a threat, so he didn't really need to be scrutinized.

Then it hit him. Levon was treating Adam like he would any other adult, not like a child.

And Adam obviously knew it because he stood a little straighter, squared his shoulders, and raised his eyes to meet Levon's.

Levon smiled and offered his hand to Adam, the way he would to any other adult he'd just met. Adam solemnly reached out and shook Levon's hand.

"Nice ta meet ya, Adam."

"Nice to meet ya too, Sir."

"You okay?" Levon looked pointedly at the bruise on Adam's cheek.

Joe could tell it made him angry, but he doubted any one less familiar with Levon's moods would have noticed the slight tightening of his jaw or narrowing of his eyes.

"Yes, sir. I'm okay."

"You sure?"

Adam nodded. Levon reached out to touch Adam, but the boy flinched away. "Easy, son. I'm not gonna hurt ya." Carefully, so not to startle him again, Levon gently cupped Adam's chin, tilting his head slightly so he could better see the bruise. "Who hit ya?"

"Nobody. I fell." Adam answered far too quickly.

"No, son, you didn't." His voice was soft but unyielding.

Adam stared at Levon with wide eyes. He was clearly surprised to have someone disagree with that statement. Joe couldn't help but wonder how many times he'd used that excuse, and just how many times someone else had bought it. He couldn't help but wonder just how many times his partner had used that excuse as a child.

"How do you know? Maybe I'm just clumsy an' fall down all the time." Adam asked with a mixture of defiance and curiosity.

Levon shrugged. "I'm a detective. I'm supposed to notice things. And there is no way fallin' down could leave a bruise shaped like someone's hand."

Adam flushed, and hung his head clearly embarrassed at being caught in such an obvious lie.

Levon went down on one knee in front of Adam, putting himself at eye level. "It's okay, son. Some one told you not to tell anyone, didn't they?"

Adam nodded, looking worried and scared. "I'll get in trouble if I do."

"You ain't in trouble. An' no one is going to hurt you. You have my word on that. See, you didn't say anything, I didn't already know."

At that Adam looked relieved that he wasn't in trouble for revealing a secret, and that he wasn't going to be punished.

"I just want to know for sure who it was that hit ya. Maybe Miss Susan?"

"Oh no, Miss Susan is a real nice lady. She didn't hurt me. Honest."

"So who did hit ya? An' I want the truth, son." Levon looked steadily at Adam. It was the same look he used on Joe that always made it impossible for him to keep his mouth shut. Joe suspected Adam wouldn't have any better luck resisting it than he did.

Adam looked at the floor. He shifted his weight from one foot to another before answering. Joe got the distinct impression that Adam was thinking over his options. He was impressed when Adam decided on the truth. Evidently, Adam realized that Levon really wouldn't accept anything less than a full disclosure and he apparently trusted Levon when he said no one would hurt him.

"Daddy did. He was mad cause I tried to call Mama. I just wanted ta let her know I was okay. Didn't want her ta worry none."

Adam hung his head. "See, I knowed she didn't want me ta be with Daddy any more, but Mrs. Anders said he knew the word. Didn't think she'd believe me if I told her Mama didn't want me ta be with him. Other kids at school go with their daddies all the time and nobody says nothin'. 'Sides, Daddy woulda got mad if I said anythin'. Didn't wanna make him mad. He can be real mean when he's mad."

Joe's jaw clenched. He clearly remembered Levon talking about the one time he'd told someone his father hit him. Levon said the man hadn't believed his father would hit him, and for telling the truth Levon's father whipped him with a belt.

Evidently, Adam had similar experiences.

"Well, son, I don't think yer daddy is gonna be seein' you again fer awhile. So you wanna go home?"

"I can go home? I don't hafta stay here?" Adam's voice was hopeful, but wary.

"Your Mama is waitin' for us ta bring ya. Why don't you git your stuff together. We'll go whenever yer ready."

Adam made a beeline for the other side of the room. He gathered up a backpack, a denim coat, and his hat. Joe smiled when he saw the hat. It was a white Stetson that had been carefully positioned upside down.

"I'm ready, Sir."

"Joe, why don't you go ahead and take Adam out to the Jimmy. I'll be out in a bit. Just gotta finish up here."

Joe took Adam's hand, and led his charge outside to the waiting truck. Another pair of uniformed officers stood in the doorway ready to take Susan Knox into custody. She would be charged as an accessory. Endangering the welfare of a minor and child abuse at the very least, and kidnapping at the most. How stiff a penalty that was likely to earn her probably depended on how willing she was to cooperate. Given that she wasn't willing to press charges against Thorpe for assault and battery, it was unlikely she'd roll on him. So she would probably do some jail time. [Damn shame that.]

Joe wasn't certain if Thorpe could be charged with kidnapping. Technically, Adam was his son, and it would be difficult to claim he'd been kidnapped, especially since there had been no ransom demand. But Thorpe had violated the custody agreement, and the restraining order. He would most certainly be charged with endangering a minor and child abuse. The gun was another issue entirely. Depending on how he'd acquired it, Thorpe could be charged with illegal possession. He would most definitely be charged for reckless endangerment for firing the gun inside the house, not to mention threatening both Joe and Levon with it.

Joe knew Levon would call in the lab boys to find the slugs from the two shots they'd heard fired, and to run a check on the weapon's serial number. Levon would fill in the other officers before he left. He'd give them a brief statement of what happened; a list of charges to be filed, and he'd make sure they secured the crime scene. Joe was hoping that they wouldn't have to start on the paperwork for this case until tomorrow.

At the moment though none of that really mattered. All that really mattered was that they had found Adam. He was relatively unharmed, and was going to be reunited with his mother. [Thank you, God.]

Joe put Adam in the back seat, and made sure he buckled his seat belt. Glancing at his watch, Joe frowned seeing it was a little after eight. "Adam? Did you get anything to eat for dinner?"

"No, sir."

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes, sir."

"We'll see about getting you something to eat on the way home. And you can call me Joe." He knew the boy was just trying to be polite, but being called sir always made him feel like he should be looking over his shoulder for one of his uncles. He was rewarded with a shy smile.

Joe got in and buckled his own seat belt. He leaned back and rested his head on the seat with a weary sigh. He closed his eyes, only opening them again a few minutes later when he heard Levon open the driver's side door and slide into his seat.

"Adam's hungry." Joe stated once Levon had started the truck. [Maybe I can convince Levon to eat something too while we're at it. Last thing I actually saw him eat was a half a piece of toast for breakfast. And I can't remember if that was this morning or yesterday morning.]

"Any place you wanna go, Adam?" Levon tossed over his shoulder, as he pulled out of the driveway and away from the house.

"McDonalds. They got a new prize in the happy meals."

Levon shot Joe a quirky half smile at that. He knew how Joe felt about junk food. Hell, the whole station knew how he felt about junk food. "McDonalds it is then."

Joe wisely refrained from commenting on the perils of fast food. It wouldn't do any good anyway. He'd had some success in weaning Levon away from junk, but not a lot. Couldn't fix a lifetime of bad habits over night. And kids just naturally seem to be drawn to junk food.

It didn't take long to track down a McDonald's. Adam got his happy meal, and Levon ordered a milkshake and fries. Joe just shook his head and shuddered when Levon asked if he wanted anything.

"It ain't that bad, Joe."

"Speak for yourself."

Levon just laughed. Joe smiled. He'd forgotten how much he liked hearing his lover laugh. [Missed that. A lot.] During the past few days, neither of them had cracked so much as a smile. It hadn't felt right to be anything less than totally focused on the case when a little boy might just be terrified out of his mind, and depending on them for his rescue.

They pulled into the driveway at Grace's house. The worried mother had obviously been pacing the porch awaiting their arrival. Joe-Bill and Esteban were also waiting, apparently trying to keep her reasonably calm.

Grace was off the porch and down the steps before Levon had brought the Jimmy to a complete stop.

Joe quickly let Adam out of the back, and the boy was just as quickly folded into this mother's arms in a fierce hug.

"Oh thank God. Adam. Thank God." Grace whispered over and over again, crying hard.

Levon slid out of the Jimmy, and leaned back against the door, watching the reconciliation between mother and child. Joe studied his partner. [Bet if he didn't have the truck to lean on, he'd fall down. Need to get him home so he can crash.] Joe amended that that thought, realizing it wasn't just his partner who was wiped out. [So WE can crash.]

Joe-Bill and Esteban sauntered over. "Real nice seein' those two back together."

"Indeed it is, mi amigo." The former Mexican cop nodded his head at Joe and Levon. "Very good work you two."

Levon shrugged one shoulder. "Luck had more ta do with it than anything else."

Esteban smiled widely. "More than luck, Lundy. Persistence is always rewarded."

Grace finally relinquished her tight hug on her son. She made her way to Levon and Joe, still holding Adam's hand. "Thank you for finding my son. Thank you so very much for bringing him home to me."

Levon inclined his head slightly and raised two fingers to the brim of his hat. "Was our pleasure, Ma'am. Just real glad he's back where he belongs, safe and sound."

Grace let go of Adam long enough to hug first Levon and then Joe. "Thank you." She whispered again to Joe and kissed his cheek before stepping back to take Adam's hand again.

Adam looked at Levon and copied his head tilt and two-finger salute. "Thank you, Sir, for bringin' me home." Adam looked at Joe. "Thank you too, Joe." Joe smiled, amused that this little boy could ape Levon's movements so well, and pleased that Adam remembered not to call him sir.

"You look after yer mother now, y'hear." Levon's mild order made it clear that he was treating Adam as the man of the house.

Adam grinned at Levon. "Yes, sir, I will." Together mother and son made their way to the house.

Joe-Bill studied both Joe and Levon. He shook his head. "Damn. You boys look like nine miles o' bad road."

"Shut up." Was all Joe could muster by way of a come back. The last thing he need was to be told was how bad he looked.

"The lieutenant said to tell you not to bother heading back to the office. She said you could take care of the paperwork tomorrow." Esteban paused for emphasis. "Late tomorrow." He smiled widely, his teeth a flash of bright white in the darkness. "I do not know for certain, amigos, but she might be inclined to hurt you if you show up at your usual time."

Levon sighed. "Probably right 'bout that. She was already pissed we didn't leave the office when she wanted." He raised a hand to rub tiredly at his eyes. "You boys gonna take of business here?"

Joe-Bill nodded. "We got it covered. Go home. Get some sleep. See you guys tomorrow."

"Hasta manana, Lundy, LaFiamma. Sleep well."

Joe-Bill and Esteban headed back to the house. They would gather up whatever equipment had been installed, and make sure Grace and Adam were safely tucked in for the night. Joe was relieved to be able to turn those details over to someone else.

Levon pushed himself away from the Jimmy. He swayed slightly and Joe reached out to steady him. Now that they had returned Adam safely to his mother, the cowboy had obviously run out the nearly manic energy that had kept him going until now. [This wasn't going to be the usual winding down after a tough case. More like a thirty story free-fall.]

"Want me to drive, Cowboy?"

"Yeah. I'm a mite tired."

It had taken awhile but Joe learned to interpret Levon's assessments of his condition. If he said he was fine when he didn't look fine, then he probably was far from it. If he said he was sore, well then it most likely hurt like hell. If he said he was stiff, it was a miracle the man could move at all. If he hurt a bit, then anyone else would be screaming in agony. Being a mite tired qualified as being so exhausted he probably couldn't see straight.

Joe didn't have much trouble learning Levon's code because he was guilty of using the same one more often than not.

"You need help?" Joe offered, not entirely sure Levon could make it to the other side of the Jimmy alone.

Levon waved him off. "Nope. I got it."

Joe watched as his lover made his way carefully to the passenger side door. Levon's hand trailed along the hood and side of the Jimmy giving him something to rest against. Joe didn't get in until after Levon had managed to crawl into the seat, and settle in with a deep sigh.

Joe started the Jimmy and backed out of the driveway. He started to head for his apartment since it was closer, but then remembered Levon might need to be at the ranch to take care of his horses. "Levon?"


"Someone looking after the horses for you?"

"Uh-huh. Neighbor." Levon managed to get that out around a jaw-popping yawn.

"Okay. My place it is then."

"Sure... fine... whatever."

Another definite indicator of just how far gone Levon was. He was far more agreeable than he would have been otherwise. Letting Joe drive, and not commenting about where they would spend the night wasn't something that usually happened with out a bit more discussion. Not that there was ever much debate about where they would sleep, as long as they were together that was really all that mattered.

Joe was grateful that traffic this time of night was a lot lighter than during the day. He wasn't as wiped as his partner, but he was sure he couldn't handle Houston's normal crazy drivers at the moment. A nice, quiet drive home to a soft bed and several hours of uninterrupted sleep were all he wanted to have to deal with.

Joe figured Levon would be asleep in minutes, and he smiled when he glanced over and saw that he was right. Keeping an eye on his dozing partner as he drove, Joe frowned slightly when he realized that Levon seemed to be a bit restless.

[By all rights the man should be sleeping like the dead. Can't imagine sleeping in these seats is really all that comfortable. Doesn't matter we'll be home soon.]

Half an hour later, Joe pulled into the parking spot reserved for his apartment. He reached over and shook Levon's shoulder to wake him. He pulled back in surprise when Levon suddenly jerked violently away from him, and brought one arm up in a defensive move, the other hand curled into a fist ready to strike out.

"Levon! It's me."

Levon took an unsteady breath, and slowly relaxed. He unclenched his fist, and with a shaking hand reached to hesitantly to caress Joe's check. Joe wasn't sure if the touch was an apology or if Levon needed to be certain Joe was really there.

"Sorry, Joe. Fergot where I was... didn't mean ta... Joe, I would never--"

"Shh...it's alright." Joe reached up to take hold of Levon's hand. Not liking the way his partner still trembled ever so slightly, Joe gently caressed his palm, trying to calm him. Physical contact always seemed to reassure and quiet Levon faster than anything else. "You okay, now?"

Another shaky breath. "Yeah." A small pause and another breath. "Yeah. I'm alright."

Joe extended his left hand to cup Levon's face. His thumb stroked repeatedly back and forth across Levon's cheek.

Levon closed his eyes and leaned into Joe's touch, taking in the comfort he offered. "You had a dream?"

Levon nodded.

"Bad one?" It was really more of a statement than a question.

Levon winced. "Bad enough."

"You wanna talk about it?" Joe tried to encourage his lover to talk about his nightmares, hoping that talking about them would lessen their impact. He knew talking about his own nightmares always seemed to help. Joe wasn't certain, but he thought it helped Levon too, when he was willing to open up about them. Sometimes he would, and sometimes he wouldn't.

"Not right now. How 'bout we do it tomorrow?"

Joe smiled softly and pulled Levon's hand to his mouth so he could place a gentle kiss on his palm. [He didn't say 'no' outright, and that means he will tell me. And that's good enough for now.] "Sure, Cowboy. Tomorrow will be soon enough. "

Together they got out of the Jimmy and headed up to Joe's apartment. Levon would never ask, but Joe could tell he desperately wanted to maintain physical contact. [Nice thing about the ranch is we don't usually have to worry that someone will see us. Oh the hell with it. He needs this.] Joe reached out and rested his arm across Levon's shoulders.

To the casual observer it would look like nothing more than a nice friendly gesture. But in reality, it let Joe pull his lover into a loose half hug. Once they were alone in the elevator, safely away from view, Joe pulled Levon in closer. He took off the ever-present Stetson, and gently forced Levon to rest his head on Joe's shoulder. He ran his fingers through the silky, blond locks in a soothing caress. Joe smiled when he heard Levon sigh softly and he felt him relax, letting more of his weight rest against Joe. [Works every time.]

The doors opened with a quiet ping. Seeing that the hallway was empty, Joe continued to hold Levon close and support most of his weight as they headed for his apartment. No matter how tired or stressed Levon was, he would have normally pushed away from Joe by now. Being fiercely independent, and conditioned for most of his life to rely habitually only on himself, it wasn't in Levon's nature to allow Joe to provide support for long. There was only one other time that Levon had ever shown this level of dependence, and that was when he was drunk.

Levon frequently drank beer, and occasionally drank hard liquor, but he almost never drank to excess. The one glaring exception had occurred almost a year after he and Joe had started working together. It was the anniversary of Caroline's death, and Levon had gotten well and truly drunk. Chicken had called Joe to come get him, and take him home.

Despite being rousted out of bed to get Levon, Joe hadn't been angry. Levon needed to grieve in his own way. It might not have been Joe's way, but he wasn't about to judge his partner for trying to find some way to deal with the loss of a loved one. And it made Joe feel good when he realized that of all the people Chicken could have called, he picked Joe. So Joe had come, taken his friend home and put him to bed.

Even then, long before they were lovers, Joe had felt a need to protect and comfort Levon. Now, nearly three years later, he still felt that need only it was so much more than it had it had been. Levon's well-being was securely linked with is own. When Levon hurt, so did he. Anything he could do to help, he wouldn't hesitate to do.

Joe gently guided his exhausted lover to the door, and held him up while he searched for his keys. Once inside, he managed to get them through the dark apartment, to the bedroom, without tripping over anything. Joe put the Stetson down on the bedside table, and got Levon to sit on the bed while he stripped off his boots. Undressing Levon reminded Joe of when he'd taken care of his young nieces and nephews. A mental image of Levon as a child quickly transformed itself into one of Adam.

[Best not to think about that right now, Joey. Let's just get some sleep. Deal with everything else tomorrow.] Joe quickly stripped off his clothes and joined Levon under the covers.

Normally Levon slept on his left side or his back. When he on his left side, Joe would usually snuggle in close behind him. When he was on his back, Joe would curl up around him, like he was a human body pillow. But tonight, it was Joe who found himself being used as a pillow.

Levon never objected to Joe snuggling in close, but he wasn't the one who typically initiated the cuddling. Joe figured that was more because he beat Levon to it, than because of any lack of need for physical contact on Levon's part. And right now, Levon was definitely in need of physical reassurance, and comfort. Feeling a faint chill on Levon's skin, and a residual trembling, Joe pulled his lover in closer, and began to run his fingers through Levon's hair.

Without really thinking about it, Joe found himself rocking gently and softly singing the lullaby his grandmother and mother had sung to him when he was little. He sang in Italian. Even though Levon wouldn't understand the words, Joe was sure he understood the meaning.

He felt Levon relaxing, going completely boneless, his breathing coming slower and deeper. Joe sighed quietly and simply let himself enjoy the feeling of his partner snuggled in close. He tilted his head enough to place a kiss on Levon's forehead. As Joe drifted off to sleep, he silently bid his lover a good night and wished for pleasant dreams for both of them.


Joe woke slowly. His first conscious thought was that he was warm, comfortable and he felt good. Very good. [Nothing like a full night of uninterrupted sleep. Forgot how good it felt to be able to just sleep until I woke up when I felt like it.]

He was glad he didn't bother to set the alarm last night.

Joe tried to stretch and that was when he realized that Levon was still snuggled in close to him. That surprised Joe. His lover was a perpetual early riser, getting up the same time nearly every day, and Joe could count on one hand the number of times he'd actually woken up before Levon. The last few days must have taken even more out of him than Joe realized for him to sleep past his habitual wake up time.

Looking down at his sleeping lover, Joe smiled. The dark circles under his eyes were gone, and the exhaustion lines had faded. His hair was its usual early morning riot of curls. His breathing was slow and even, still deeply asleep. Levon looked so much younger when he was asleep, and breathtakingly beautiful as well. Joe stopped himself when he would have flipped them over, eager to ravage the vision before him.

[Down boy. You know he needs to sleep. Besides, Beaumont doesn't want us at the office early anyway. And you know that if you wake him, that's where he'll want to be.] Knowing Levon would respond willingly to his amorous advances, Joe grinned as he amended his last thought. [Well, he wouldn't head for the office right way... not for at least an hour, maybe two, but still well before the Lieutenant will want to see us.]

Joe raised his head to glance at the clock. The digital display read 8:56 am. [Not bad. Damn near eleven hours.] It wouldn't completely erase the deficit of the last few days, but it would go a long way toward balancing it out.

With great care, Joe managed to slide out of Levon's grasp and then out of bed. He was relieved when Levon's only response was to shift slightly into a more comfortable position. Joe bent down to place a kiss on Levon's forehead.

Levon smiled slightly in his sleep, and breathed out Joe's name with a soft sigh.

Joe loved it when Levon did that. It made his name sound so much like a benediction. It took more will power than Joe thought it should to turn away, and not crawl back into bed like he really, really wanted to.

Joe wandered down stairs and started a pot of coffee. He did some limbering stretches before heading for the bathroom and a quick shower. Wearing nothing more than a towel and carrying a cup of coffee, Joe made his way back upstairs. He set his cup down on the dresser while he tried to figure out what to wear. Joe opted for black slacks, and a royal-blue silk shirt. He left the shirt unbuttoned, with the shirttails hanging loose.

Joe settled himself in a chair, sipping his coffee, and prepared to just watch Levon until he woke. He liked being able to watch the cowboy, but opportunities to do so were rare. Joe was not one to pass up such a chance to indulge himself.

Joe was in the middle of debating with himself whether to get another cup of coffee, make breakfast or just keep watching Levon, when the phone rang. Its ring was shrill and decidedly loud in the otherwise quiet apartment. Joe swore when Levon sat up with a start, eyes wildly scanning the room seeking the threat, and reaching for the gun he wasn't wearing. [God damn phone. Should have turned it off.]

"Easy, Levon. It's just the phone." Joe tried to reassure his barely awake partner.

Sleep clouded brown eyes found his. Levon's brow wrinkled in confusion, obviously trying to connect what Joe said to the sound he'd heard. "Phone?"

"Yeah. It's just the phone." As if to confirm that statement the phone rang again. Joe reached for it and barked out "LaFiamma" more harshly than he intended. He had wanted his partner to have the chance to just sleep himself out, and he was prepared to make the caller very sorry for waking him.

"Joe? It's Beaumont."

Joe sighed. "Sorry, Lieutenant. Wasn't expecting anyone to call. What can I do for you?"

"I need you to come to the station. Now!"

[That doesn't sound good.] "Why? Esteban said you didn't want me or Lundy there until later today."

"I didn't. The desk sergeant just called me to tell me that he was going over last night's log in before signing off on it. He wanted me to know Levon Lundy was booked last night. The sergeant knows Lundy works in Major Crimes, and he thought that I might want to be the first to know that one of my officers is currently in lock up waiting to be arraigned. He's been charged with being drunk and disorderly, not to mention assault and battery!"

Joe could hear her exasperation and barely contained fury loud and clear.

"Joanne that can't be right." Joe tried to keep his voice neutral, and calm. This had to be a mistake of some kind.

"You damn right it's not right! You were supposed to be looking out for him. He's your partner."

"I have been looking out for him." Joe was indignant. Joe could feel his temper beginning to rise and struggled to contain it.

"You call letting him get involved in a bar fight looking out for him! You call letting him beat some kid into a coma looking out for him! I know you knew how much the Thorpe case was bothering Levon, but I didn't think you would be stupid enough to just..."

"That is enough! Listen to me! Lundy. Is. Not. In. Lock. Up. He sure as hell didn't get involved in a bar fight last night. And he would never beat someone into a coma!"

"Joe, the desk sergeant wouldn't lie about something like that. He even showed me the fingerprint card, and they check out as Levon Lundy."

"Well some one screwed up because Levon is sitting right in front of me." Joe looked over at Levon. His partner was staring at him clearly puzzled as to what was going on, but evidently willing to wait to find out.

"What??! What do you mean he's right in front of you!!??" Joe winced, and moved the phone away from his ear when she yelled.

"What do you think I mean!!?" Joe growled into the phone. He hated being yelled at. Especially when he hadn't done anything wrong. "I mean he's here, at my apartment, sitting right in front of me."

Realizing that statement would need some sort of explanation, preferably one that wouldn't let her know that he and Levon were involved in more than a working relationship, Joe continued. "By the time we wrapped everything up last night, he was too exhausted to drive home. I offered to let him stay here. He was still asleep when the phone rang."

"He's there?"

[Didn't I just say that?] "Yes. He's here."

"Let me talk to him." Joanne demanded.

"Fine." Joe handed the phone to Levon. "It's Beaumont."

"I sort of figured that out already." Levon said dryly as he took the phone. "Lundy.... LaFiamma and I dropped Adam off at Grace's house around eight-thirty, quarter ta nine.... Talk to Joe-Bill and Esteban, they can tell you for sure when we was there.... No we didn't stop anywhere.... Ain't that what I just said... No, we went straight to LaFiamma's apartment.... Joe didn't think I ought ta be drivin', an' neither did I. So I just crashed at his place."

Levon's eyes meet Joe's. Joe knew his lover was always careful to be basically honest with his former partner and their current supervisor. He'd tell her what happened, just like Joe did, he just wouldn't tell her all the unimportant details. The fact that they'd shared the same bed was definitely one of those details she didn't need to know.

Levon sighed, and rubbed one hand over his face. "Look, you know it ain't me. Somebody made a mistake. I'll come down ta the office and we can git this mess cleared up. Okay? Okay.... How the hell should I know...? Fine. One hour." With that, Levon handed the phone back to Joe.

Levon buried his head in his hands with a groan. "Ya ever notice that it can't seem to rain without pourin'?"

Joe hung up the phone. "Yeah. I noticed that."

Levon shook his head. "She wants us down there in an hour."

"I heard. Why don't you grab a shower, and I'll fix something for us to eat."

"Ain't got time for breakfast, Joe. Can just skip..."

"No." Joe interrupted. "You are not skipping another meal. You missed too many in the last few days."

"Joanne will be pissed if we're late."

Joe shrugged. "What? Like she isn't already pissed? You are not leaving here without having something to eat first."

Beaumont's comment about not looking out for Levon still stung. [Well, I am sure as hell looking out for him now. He isn't going anywhere with out food.]

"Yes, mother." Levon smirked, wisely realizing it was a battle he couldn't win. He rolled out of bed in one smooth, graceful motion and headed for the stairs.

Joe's retort died on his lips as he caught sight of his naked lover. He took a deep breath. [Damn. He has got to know by now what the sight of him like that does to me.]

Shaking his head, Joe took his empty cup down stairs and started a quick breakfast. He decided against scrambled eggs, and opted for omelets instead. And, of course, bacon. He knew Levon loved bacon, and it was a measure of Joe's affection that he stocked something in his fridge that he would never eat. The coffee wouldn't be strong enough to suit Levon, but Joe wasn't willing to forgo his own coffee this morning. Joe grinned thinking there were limits to just how far he'd go for someone he loved. And going without his own coffee was definitely one of them.

Levon padded out of the bathroom wearing the silk robe Joe kept hanging on the back of the door. The light golden hue went well with Levon's natural coloring.

If pressed, Joe would admit that he bought it with his partner in mind. He'd seen it in a store while shopping. The look and feel of it reminded him so much of Levon's hair that he simply couldn't pass it up.

Joe let his hand stroke Levon's side as he walked past, enjoying the feel of warm flesh wrapped in silk under his fingers. His lusty thoughts were curtailed sharply when he realized he could feel a lot of Levon's ribs. He decided that from now on he would keep a much closer watch on what Levon ate, or rather, didn't eat.

"Sit down and eat." Joe slid a plate across the breakfast bar to Levon.

"Thanks, Joe. Guess this means I gotta make dinner." Levon said with a quick grin, referring to their agreement of Levon making breakfast while Joe usually made dinner. Seeing the bacon on his plate, Levon's grin got wider. "Somethin' healthy, just for you."

Levon ate with a swift efficiency that reminded Joe of someone stoking a coal fire. He wasn't taking time to enjoy or savor the meal, he was just fueling up for the day ahead.

Knowing that being late really wasn't an option, Joe found himself eating the same way.

Levon finished eating a few minutes later and went upstairs again to get dressed.

Joe followed. He liked watching Levon dress. The simple economy of motion that made everything he did graceful was always fun to watch. It wouldn't be as much fun as watching him undress, but Joe was willing to take what he could get this morning.

Levon pulled a clean pair of jeans from a dresser drawer that he'd claimed as his own and a western style shirt from the closet. They both kept clothes at each other's place realizing how much simpler it was to be prepared no matter where they spent the night. Joe smiled thinking that he'd taken over the closet in the Levon's guest room and the dresser, while Levon barely took up a drawer at his place and only a few inches in the back of the closet.

Still watching Levon, Joe buttoned his own shirt, and tucked it in. He slid his feet into a pair of loafers about the same time Levon pulled on his boots.

Levon snagged his hat from the bedside stand, and pulled his gun from its usual place in the drawer.

Joe grabbed his own guns from where the shoulder rig hung from the head of the bed. Joe shrugged into a jacket before following his lover back down stairs.

Levon held out his hand. "Keys?"

Joe nodded toward the small stand by the door. "Same place I always put 'em." Joe had a small bowl near the door he just threw them in.

At the ranch, Levon always hung his on a rack near the door. Neither of them ever liked having to search for where they left the keys.

Levon easily navigated his way through the mid-morning traffic, avoiding most of the usual back up areas. They pulled into the police parking garage, and parked next to Joe's sports car. It wasn't unusual for him to leave it in the garage over night, so it's presence didn't raise eyebrows. It was common knowledge that when they were working a case, they usually took the Jimmy. So, at times, Joe's car was often a more or less permanent fixture.

Joe glanced as his watch when they stepped into the elevator. [Just under an hour. Not bad. Could have made it sooner if the traffic had been better.]

One of the things Joe learned almost from the day he arrived in Houston was that the traffic was always bad. It took longer than it should to get anywhere. And unlike Chicago, public transportation was practically non-existent. Joann's hour deadline would have been impossible during the usual morning rush hour.

He'd also learned that if you wanted to get somewhere, in Houston, in a hurry, it was best to let Levon drive. The man knew the city like the back of his hand. Short cuts and alternative routes were his forte. Joe was fairly certain that he didn't know Chicago as well as Levon knew Houston, and he'd grown up in that city. Street, buildings, parks...anything you'd care to name and the cowboy knew how to get you there.

As soon as they stepped off the elevator they headed for Beaumont's office. Levon tapped on the glass door. She was on the phone, but motioned for both of them to enter. Joe took his usual seat, while Levon opted to remain standing. Joe did his best to wait patiently, but being patient really wasn't something he was good at.

"You find out what the hell is goin' on?" Joe asked as soon as Beaumont hung up, and finally looked at them.

"Oh yeah. Levon... you aren't going to like this." Beaumont handed a mug shot photo to Levon. "Recognize him?"

Levon glanced at the photo, and paled slightly. Joe watched in concern as Levon's jaw tightened and his lips thinned into a hard line. Levon closed his eyes, and hung his head for just a moment. Taking a deep breath, he lifted his head and looked at the photo again. "Damn," he whispered softly. "Shoulda known." With a resigned sigh, he passed the photo on to Joe.

Joe studied the black and white photo before him. The man was a stranger to him, but he was obviously someone Levon knew. The height board behind the man indicated he was six foot three. His hair was a light color, probably blond. The description at the bottom confirmed that. It also told Joe that the man had blue eyes, and weighed in at roughly 240 pounds. Looking at the picture again, Joe guessed a lot of that weight was muscle. The man looked like guys he'd seen working on oil rigs. There was something about his face was vaguely familiar. [I should know this guy.]

"Who is he?" Joe finally asked. He directed his question toward Joann, but it was Levon who answered.

"Read the name."

Joe frowned. The name board read Levon Lundy. He raised an eyebrow at his partner. "Some kind of joke?"

"Nope. I couldn't be that lucky. That's Levon Lundy. Just like the sign 'round his neck says."

"Come again?"

Levon sighed softly. "My father, Joe. Levon Lundy, senior."

[Ah shit.] "Shit."

"Yep. Sums it up nicely, don't it?" Levon finally sat down and looked at their superior.

Joe noticed that his tight, guarded expression was still in place, brown eyes wary. "So... tell me what you know?"

Joanne sighed, clearly reluctant, but gave him what he asked for. "Last night your father apparently got drunk at a bar on Daily Avenue. A place called Last Chance Gulch."

Levon nodded. "I know where it is." Joe shook his head. [Figures he'd know that.]

"Evidently he started to get loud and obnoxious. Bartender asked him to leave. When he wouldn't go, the bouncer came over, and I quote, 'to escort him to the door'. Your father didn't want to leave, and fighting broke out about then. According to one witness report it was reminiscent of an old western bar room brawl. There was a group of college students out celebrating a friend's twenty-first birthday. The birthday boy, Dale Arron, is currently in a coma at St. Luke's hospital. According to witnesses your father hit him repeatedly with the leg of a chair. It took three guys to pull him off."

"Anyone else hurt?" Joe asked quietly. [Please tell me this isn't going to get any worse. Please.]

Joanne shook her head. "Not really. Other than Arron, the rest walked away with the usual assortment of cuts and bruises."

"And my father?" Levon asked quietly, his eyes were focused on the floor in front of him.

"He's in lock up at the moment. The arraignment is scheduled for late this afternoon. Right now he's being charged with being drunk and disorderly, disturbing the peace, destruction of private property, and assault and battery. He could end up being charged with murder if Dale Arron doesn't make it."

Levon raised one hand to massage his temple. "What're the kid's chances?"

Joanne shook her head. "Doesn't look good. Right now the doctors are hoping they'll know more in the next twenty-four to forty-eight hours."

Levon closed his eyes, and took a deep breath, then another.

Joe waited. He could almost see Levon gathering together an invisible emotional armor. There was absolutely no expression on his face, and Joe found that disturbing. He would rather have the cowboy rant and rave than deal with this stoic, remote reaction.

"Levon... I know you and your father have had... well, your differences in the past, but for what its worth, I'm sorry." Joanne offered.

"Yeah, me too. You need anythin' else?"

"I know you're not close to your father, but maybe you should...."

"No." Levon's voice was flat, and hard, cutting off whatever she was going to suggest. "I got work to do. We gotta finish the paperwork on the Thorpe case."

"That can wait."

Levon shook his head. "Better to get it done now." With that Levon rose smoothly to his feet and left her office.

Joe rose quickly to follow but stopped when Joanne called his name.


"Yeah, Lieutenant?"

"Has Levon told you about his relationship with his father?" She asked with some hesitation.

Joe nodded. "He's talked about it some."

Joanne smiled slightly, relieved. "Good. He never gave me details. It wasn't the sort of thing he'd share with me, even when we were partners. All he'd ever told me was that he and his father hadn't seen each other in years. Don't really know what caused the rift between them."

Joanne sounded disappointed at Levon's unwillingness to open up. Knowing the exact nature of the estrangement between Levon and his father, Joe wasn't entirely surprised to learn that he hadn't told her about it. [Being abused as a child, and nearly beaten to death as a teenager, isn't exactly small talk material. Especially when the culprit is your father.]

Levon could be intensely private, and Joe would be willing to bet there weren't very many who knew the details. [Hell, he wouldn't have told me either if I hadn't been there when he had that nightmare.] Joe didn't hold that against Levon. He understood. There were things in his past he wasn't eager to share either, and probably wouldn't until he absolutely had to.

Joe focused his attention back on his superior when she started speaking again. "I'm glad he can talk to you, because he is gonna need someone to talk to about this, when its all said and done. He's not really at his best right now. Just being released back to full duties two weeks ago, the Thorpe case and now this.... You'll keep an eye on him, right?"

"Don't worry, Joanne. I'll take care of him." Joe promised. [Like I could do anything else.]

Joe made is way over to his desk.

Levon was already working on a report. Seeing the set of his shoulders, and that expressionless mask still in place, Joe decided to give his partner a little space. [Give him a little room to breathe. You'd want it if you were in his place.] Joe simply sat down at is own computer, and started working, like it was any other day. [Just pretend everything is normal. Act like nothing is wrong.]

He knew he'd done the right thing when he noticed a slight easing of tension in Levon's shoulders.

Just when Joe was starting to relax he heard a voice call from across the room. "Hey, Lundy. I hear ya got rowdy in a bar last night. Yer makin' the rest of us look bad bustin' up place like that."

Levon stiffened and then turn to see who had spoken. It was one of the newer officers in Major Crimes, Carl McDermit. He glared at McDermit for a moment before saying, "Wasn't me."

McDermit laughed. "Oh sure, Lundy. That's what they all say. Hell, I just saw a copy of the arrest report. Got yer name on it in black and white."

Joe cursed silently. The day's arrest report was routinely circulated among the building to keep everyone informed of who was locked up. It was supposed to cut down on the time they wasted looking for people that were already had in custody.

"Don't care what the report says. It wasn't me."

McDermit's partner, Sandy Jones, piped up. "Gotta admit, Lundy, you look pretty good for a guy who was in a fight. Musta gave better'n ya got."

Levon took a breath, and with what was obvious to anyone who looked, an enforced calm, spoke again. "For the last time. It. Wasn't. Me."

"Suure. Whatever you say, Lundy." McDermit laughed. "Hell, I thought the only one who ever got you that riled was LaFiamma."

Levon clenched one hand into a fist. Taking a deep breath he looked at Joe. In a completely serious tone of voice he asked, "If I shoot him, will you tell everyone it was an accident? The gun just went off?"

Joe cocked his head to one side. He couldn't tell if Levon was joking or not, but with a shrug, decided to back him all the way.

"Absolutely. Mistakes like that happen every day. Might seem a little odd if you nail him right between the eyes, though. Try to adjust your aim for something less conspicuous."

Levon's lips twitched just a bit, but his face remained otherwise unreadable. "Good point." Levon turned to look at McDermit. He studied him carefully, letting his eyes rake the other man from head to toe, like he was measuring him of a coffin. His brown eyes were cold enough to make the younger detective shiver.

"Mistakes happen all the time, McDermit. Like my name bein' on that arrest report. You don't want to be just another mistake. Now do you?" Levon's voice was soft, but the threat it contained carried easily across the room.

McDermit suddenly had a fierce desire to be somewhere else, anywhere else. "C'mon, Jones, we've got some witnesses to interview."

Levon watched them leave before turning looking at Joe again. He smiled slightly. "Thanks."

Joe smiled back, relieved that things were getting closer to what qualified as normal for them. "Anytime, partner."

"Let's see if we can't get the Thorpe case put to bed today." With that Levon turned his attention back to the form he'd been working on.

Joe turned to his computer, and forced his mind to focus on writing up what had occurred last night. [If all goes well we can finish this off in a couple of hours. Put this case behind us. Be one less thing we'll have to worry about.]

Several hours later Joe retrieved the report he'd finally managed to convince the printer to produce after fighting with it for fifteen minutes. [Goddamn printer. Maybe Levon is right and I'd be better off typing this shit on that dinosaur of a typewriter he uses. Not that I'm ever going to tell him that.]

At least their morning had been relatively quiet. No more interruptions or stupid comments about Levon's name being on the arrest report. A small thing to be grateful for, but Joe was. He glanced at his watch. It was after one already. He was about to ask Levon if he wanted to grab a late lunch when the phone on Levon's desk rang. Levon absently picked it up, his attention focused more on the paper in front of him. "Lundy."

Joe watched with apprehension as Levon's grip on the phone became tight enough to whiten his knuckles. Joe listened to Levon's side of the conversation but it didn't really tell him much because most of what he said consisted of one-word answers. He could read Levon's rising anger and agitation easily enough.

"No.... No.... That's not a good idea.... No." Levon sighed. He closed his eyes and his expression became resigned. "Okay. Fine. I ain't doin' this but one time. Understand. Once and only once." Levon's voice had taken on that hard, uncompromising tone Joe knew rather well. "Where?... I'll meet you there in fifteen minutes." Levon hung up the phone with more force than necessary.

"Who was that?"

"That was my father's lawyer. Seems my old man would like to speak to me."

[Oh no fucking way!!] "And you said yes!!??"

Levon raised an eyebrow at Joe. "Man didn't seem inclined to take no for an answer."

"You should have hung up on him."

"Wouldn't do any good. Son of a bitch would have just called back."

"So what? If you don't want to talk to your father, then you shouldn't."

"More to it than what I want."

"How in the hell can there be anything more to this than what you want?" Joe hissed angrily, trying hard to not draw attention by raising his voice. "The bastard doesn't deserve any consideration. Just tell him to go to hell."


"He hurt you. He damn near killed you! How can you even think of being in the same room with him??!!" Joe bit out in a harsh whisper.

Levon sighed. "Whole situation could cause trouble for the department. Don't look good for me not to talk to him. The man is my father, Joe. Story wouldn't play well with the press. Lawyer is prepared to sell some hog wash story about how his client is bein' denied his basic rights. Would make a nice sob story about how the brass won't even let him see his son."

"The brass doesn't have anything to do with this."

"Yeah, well, you know as well as I do, the brass would order me to see him if they thought there would be bad press over it. Coverin' their asses is what they do best, and I'd rather have it be my choice, on my terms."

Levon rubbed absently at his temples. He'd been doing that off and on for most of the morning. Joe immediately backed off, not wanting to add to his partner's stress load. "So we are meeting this guy in fifteen minutes?"


"Yes, we. I'm not letting meet that bastard without back up." Joe was firm on that point. No way in hell would he let his partner walk in to this alone. "Where are we meeting him?"

"Interview room one. Second floor." Levon smiled warmly at Joe. He looked relieved to know Joe would go with him. "Was gonna ask you if you would go with me. Glad I don't have ta ask. Thanks." He shook his head slightly. "I seem to be sayin' that a lot lately."

"Don't worry about it. You can make it up to me later."

Levon leaned across his desk, motioning Joe to lean closer as well. His expression was intense, eyes pleading and a little desperate. In a whisper, that couldn't be over heard, Levon asked, "Promise me something?"

"If I can." [For you, cowboy, anything. Anything at all.]

"No matter what else happens today, I want you to take me home and fuck me senseless. Want you to fuck me until I can't remember my own name. Can you promise me that?"

Joe swallowed hard, and licked his lips. The images that flashed before him at Levon's request made it hard to concentrate. [Breathe, Joey. Breathe.] "Oh yeah. I can...I can do that."

"Good." Levon stood up and headed for the door. "Now lets go see my father."

Joe shook himself like a wet dog, trying to erase the image Levon's request had immediately brought to mind. [C'mon, Joey. Get your game face on because your going to need it.]

Joe joined Levon at the elevator. He cast a sidelong look at his lover. "You did that on purpose, didn't you? To keep me from staying pissed?"

Levon shrugged. "Yeah. Need you to stay in control. Can't have you goin' postal on anyone, least of all my old man an' his lawyer."

"Not making any promises there, but I will do my best not to lose it."

"Fair 'nough. I need you to be there. I can't do this on my own, Joe."

Joe nodded. He could understand that. Meeting a demon from your past, facing it alone, was never really an option you want to consider. He laid a hand on Levon's shoulder. Joe squeezed once, letting Levon know he was there for him. He wished he could offer more in the way of physical reassurance, but this was most definitely not the place.

Levon turned to face Joe. "An' just so you know, keepin' you from killin' someone ain't the only reason I asked. I'm really was gonna need that when this day is over with. "

Joe nodded again. [You're not the only one, Cowboy. Not by a long shot.] They stepped into the elevator and pushed the button for the second floor. The ride down was made in silence.

Joe watched as Levon closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He straightened his spine, and squared his shoulders. His expression was what Joe had come to think of as Levon's game face. It gave away very little about what he was thinking.

[Bracing himself to meet his father.] Joe sighed, thankful that his own family, while difficult at times, were basically a loving and caring group of people. Meeting one's family should be an occasion for joy. It shouldn't be a situation that you had to be coerced into, or terrified you. [Shouldn't be... but then fathers shouldn't beat their children either.]

"Hey, cowboy?"


"Just remember, you're not alone here. Okay?"

Levon nodded, his eyes warmed for a moment with gratitude. "I know."

Together they stepped off the elevator, and headed for interview room one. An officer waited outside. It was standard procedure to always have an armed guard nearby when ever a prisoner was out of lock up. The officer nodded to Levon and Joe.

"Lundy. LaFiamma."

"Caine." Joe returned the greeting. He made it a point to remember names and faces. Joe was proud of the fact that knew nearly every one who worked in the building on sight and by name. Levon just tipped his head in acknowledgement of the younger cop.

Levon raised a hand and tapped a knuckle lightly against the door. Hearing permission to enter, Levon opened the door, and walked in. Joe followed, closing the door behind him.

Two men were seated at the table. Both rose to their feet when Levon and Joe entered. The one on the far side of the table, Joe recognized from the mug shot Beaumont had handed to them earlier. Seeing the man in person, Joe could easily identify him as a relative of Levon's.

Although, Levon senior was taller and broader, he had definitely passed on his general build to his son. Their hair was same shade of honey blond. The only real difference being one's hung straight while the other's curled. Joe figured his lover must have gotten the curls from his mother, as well as his brown eyes, and the slightly more delicate bone structure. Seeing them together, Joe noted that they shared sufficiently similar facial features to mark them as being related, which accounted for the feeling of recognition Joe experienced looking at the mug shot. The overall impression was that his Levon was a younger, somewhat smaller, more refined version of his father.

Joe shook his head, wondering how he could have missed the similarities when he'd looked at the mug shot. [Should have realized who he was. But then, I didn't exactly expect Levon's old man to show up in one of our cells. Hell, I never expected to run into the man at all.]

Joe glanced at the other man. He was average height, brown hair, brown eyes, and basically unremarkable. He was the uniform of most lawyers, a suit and tie. The lawyer was younger than Joe had expected. Looking him over, Joe decided the man was probably a public defender of some kind.

The lawyer held out his hand to Levon. "I'm Mark Hanson. And you must be Sergeant Lundy. Thank you so much for coming."

Levon glanced at the offered hand but made no move to shake it. "How 'bout we just cut ta the chase? You wanna tell me why I'm here?"

"Well, Sergeant Lundy..."

"I asked him ta call ya." Levon's father broke in. Joe noticed that Levon senior spoke with the same drawl as his son, although his accent was more pronounced.

Levon raised an eyebrow at his father. "Why?"

"A father can't want ta jus' see his son?"

Joe couldn't help himself, he snorted in disbelief. "Yeah, right. Since you haven't seen him in what...? almost ten years, I could see how you might want to just touch base before letting another ten years pass by."

The lawyer looked over at Joe. "And you are?"

"Sergeant Joe LaFiamma. Lundy's partner."

"I see." Hanson paused as though considering that bit of information. "Well, your presence wasn't requested at this meeting, and I don't really see the need for you to be here." Hanson smiled at Joe. It was an oily smile, one that reminded Joe of a used car salesman, or a politician. "I mean no offense to you, Mr. LaFiamma, but I really don't think that you will have anything of substance to add to this meeting. If you could just wait in the hall until we're finished."

"No." [Don't even think of trying to get Levon and his old man alone together, you little bastard, because that is so not going to happen.] Joe folded his arms across his chest, and prepared to settle in for the duration.

"I really think that it would be in my client's best interest if only his son were present."

"He stays or we're done here." Levon's tone was soft, but definitely final. There would be no argument or even a discussion about whether or not Joe got to stay. Not waiting for an answer, he turned toward the door.

"Wait." Both Hanson, and the older Lundy spoke at the same time. Levon stopped, and waited. "He can stay."

Levon nodded, and looked at Hanson. "This is yer meetin', and the clock is tickin'. You plannin' on tellin' me why I'm here?"

"Yes. Of course. Please, won't you sit down?" Hanson waved a hand toward a chair, and motioned for the older Lundy to resume his seat. Levon stepped forward and sat opposite his father. Joe took the chair next to Levon, keeping a wary eye on both Levon's father, and his lawyer.

[Man doesn't look like a monster, but then they never do. Hell, Adam Thorpe's father didn't look like a monster either. Just goes to prove you really can't judge people on appearance alone.]

The older Lundy let his gaze wonder over his son. His expression reminded Joe of the look of a thirsty man being offered a glass of water. "Ya look good, boy. Life must be treatin' ya right."

Levon sighed softly. "You could say that."

The older man glanced at Joe. Studying him for a moment. "Got a new partner, I see."

"Not new. We've been partners almost four years."

"Don't remember you mentioning him?"

"Not really surprised you don't remember that." Levon said softly. "There's a lot 'bout my life you don't seem ta remember. Stands ta reason, I reckon, since ya weren't there for most of it."

The older man flinched at that. Levon cocked his head to one side, studying his father. "What are ya doin' in Houston? Thought you were working in Corpus Cristi?"

"I was. Lost my job about a month ago. Thought there might be better openings up here."

"You were drunk on the job again. Weren't ya?" It wasn't really a question, and Levon's tone wasn't accusatory. It was more resigned than anything else.

His father bristled. "Now wait a goddamn minute..."

Levon held up a hand, and shook his head. "Heard it all before. Not interested."

"It wasn't like that." His father insisted.

Levon just raised an eyebrow. "So how was it then?"

"I wasn't drunk. Mighta had a drink or two, but I wasn't drunk. That prick of a foreman had it in for me from the day I started. He was just looking for a reason ta fire me."

"If you say so." Levon looked over at Hanson. "Tell me why you wanted me here?"

"My client thought that it with you being a police officer you might be able to assist with his case."

"Uh-huh. Exactly how am I supposed to do that?"

"Now, boy, you know you can help me out here. All ya gotta do is--"

"This isn't like ya got too many parkin' tickets!!??" Levon hissed, clearly outraged by what his father might have been about to suggest. "Ya beat a kid into a coma! An' right now they don't know if he's gonna come out of it."

"I didn't mean ta hurt that boy. It was an accident!"

"An accident?" Levon asked with blatant disbelief. "Three guys had to pull you off him. You were hittin' him with the leg of a chair." Levon shook his head. "How in the hell can that be accidental?"

"It wasn't my fault!"

"When has it ever been your fault?" Joe heard Levon mutter, but the older Lundy continued speaking.

"I was just tryin' ta relax. Just havin' a few drinks, and a little fun. Weren't hurtin' anyone. That bouncer comes over and starts getting' in my face. Was harassin' me! I got a right ta enjoy myself. If he wanted to keep things quiet he shoulda gone after those snot-nosed punks at the other end of the bar. None of this would a happened if--"

"None of this would have happened if you hadn't been drunk." Levon cut him off sharply.

"Don't you sass me, boy."

"I'm not gonna sit here an listen ta you blame everyone else for what you did. You got drunk. You lost your temper. You started a fight, and beat a kid into a coma."

Levon's voice was level and calm, simply reciting facts. "Because of you and what you did, a young man may never live to be an old man." When Hanson leaned forward to speak, but Levon held up a hand, cutting off whatever he was going to say. "I read the arrest report. I know what happened."

The older man looked hard at his son. His blue eyes were cold, the anger in his expression was easy to read. Joe felt an odd déjà vu. He'd seen the same expression on his partner more than once.

"You're my son. I thought you would be willing to help me out here, not go around accusing me. Sidin' against me."

"Yeah, well, I thought you were on the wagon. Guess we're both disappointed, now ain't we?"

"Why you little...!!" Levon senior stood up. He reached across the table and backhanded his son across the face.

As Levon rocked back from the force of that blow, Joe surged to his feet. He reached across the table, capturing the older man's arm. Joe pulled, knocking the other man off balance, and bringing him within striking distance. Joe hit him twice with enough force to send the older man reeling. Joe leaped over the table, following his prey. With his forearm braced firmly against the older man's throat, he forced him back to the wall, and held him there.

Savagely, Joe applied enough force to completely cut off his air. He was intent on slowly choking the man who'd dared to hurt his partner. He felt someone tugging at his arm, but Joe ignored it. He wasn't going to be distracted.

It was Levon's voice that finally captured his attention. Levon was speaking softly, right next to him, with the same tone he used to gentle the horses. "Joe... Joe. C'mon, now. You have to let him go. Joe, you have to let him go. Ain't worth it. Ya hear me? He ain't worth it."

Taking a deep breath, Joe slowly backed away, and let Levon's father slid to the floor. The older man was coughing and gagging, rubbing at his throat. Joe just barely contained the urge to attack the man again. He forced himself to back away another step.

He waited until the downed man made eye contact. "You ever come near Levon again, and I swear to you it will be the last thing you ever do."

Hanson had moved forward to assist his client. Taking the senior Lundy's arm, he helped him stand. He watched Joe warily the entire time. "You really shouldn't be making threats, Mr. LaFiamma."

Joe grinned evilly. "It wasn't a threat."

"I... I see. Well, then...." Hanson cleared his throat. "Sergeant Lundy, my client would appreciate your assistance in this matter. Having your partner attack him and threaten..."

"The son of a bitch hit MY PARTNER!!" Joe's eyes narrowed, glaring at Hanson. "He's lucky I didn't just kill him where he stands." The only thing that kept him from advancing again was Levon's very firm hold on his arm.

"Really, Mr. LaFiamma, you should learn to control your temper."

"So should your client. He wouldn't be here at all if he could." Levon pointed out.

Hanson winced. "Touche." He sighed. "Look, I'm just trying to do what is best for my client. I am prepared to talk to your superiors..."

"Save it." Levon ordered brusquely. "You already played yer trump card. Goin' ta the brass, or the press for that matter, won't help his case. This ain't the first time he's been in trouble like this, but it might jus' be his last."

Levon looked at his father, before turning back to Hanson. "The man's an alcoholic with a history of violence. Dale Arron is just twenty-one years old. He's a college student who didn't do anything more than celebrate his birthday. And that might just be the last thing he ever does. There is no way that any part of this is goin' look good ta the press. My helpin' or not helpin' won't change that."

"You... ungrateful... little bastard." The older Lundy wheezed out, glaring daggers at both Joe and Levon.

Levon flinched, and then smiled without humor. "Oh, I'm grateful all right. Grateful that the cops were there ta pull you offa me when I was sixteen, or I coulda ended up like Dale Arron. An' I real damn grateful that I haven't seen ya in ten years, and I probably wont see you in another ten."

Levon took a step forward, his brown eyes locking with the angry blue eyes of his father. "You should be grateful I didn't let Joe kill you. If you were anyone other than my father, I'd a let him."

Levon stepped back. "C'mon, Joe. I think we're done here." Levon headed for the door.

Joe joined him, keeping a distrustful eye on both Levon's father, and his lawyer. He still wanted to finish what he started, but Levon was right, killing his old man wasn't worth it. No matter how good it might feel, it wouldn't be worth spending his life in jail. That would mean leaving Levon, and he wasn't willing to do that. Not now. Not ever.

Levon opened the door, then stopped, looked back over his shoulder at Hanson. "Don't call me again. I got nothin' ta say that will help him. And draggin' me in will only hurt his case."

Caine met them just outside the door. "Everything okay in there?"

"Yeah. Everything is fine. You can take him back to his cell whenever his lawyer is done with him." Joe answered quickly. He wasn't sure how much the younger officer had heard, and he really wasn't interested in discussing what had happened. And he was fairly certain that Levon wasn't going to want to discuss it either.

Together they headed for the elevator. Once inside, Joe halted Levon's reach for the button that would send them back up to the office. He stepped in front of Levon, and reached out to gently cup his face. When Levon would have pulled away, Joe whispered, "Let me see. I want to know you're okay."

"You couldn't just ask me?" There was just a trace of annoyance, and exasperation in the question, but his brown eyes were warm with affection.

[I didn't ask because you're not always the best judge of your health.] Joe smiled, and let his fingers caress Levon's cheek. "Okay. I'll ask. Are you all right?"

Levon sighed. "Been hit worse."

"Doesn't mean it doesn't hurt."

"True. I'm okay, Joe. Honest."

Joe noted the bruise beginning to darken Levon's left cheek. [Oh, yeah physically he's fine. More or less. Emotionally... well, that's any one's guess.]

Joe noticed Levon was pale, and not quite steady on his feet. Facing his father had taken more out of him than he was likely to admit. [He looks wrung out. Definitely wasn't a ride we planned to be on today.] Deciding they really didn't need to go back to work, Joe hit the button that would take them to the parking garage.

"Boy, what are you doin'?"

"We're going home."

"Excuse me?"

"I said, we're going home." When it looked like Levon might argue, Joe placed his fingertips against Levon's mouth. "Look, we've already logged more over time this week than regular hours. We finished all the paperwork for the Thorpe case. We didn't get lunch. And this meeting with your father was just...well, a lot more than either of us planned on today. So, we are going home."

Levon pulled Joe's fingers away from his mouth. "What about Joanne?"

Joe shrugged. "We'll call her."

Levon smiled, his eyes warm, his color gradually improving. "You like livin' dangerously, don'tcha?"

"Joanne will be fine with it once we explain what happened."

"I'd rather not tell her anythin' at all."

"I know." Joe said softly. "It's not the sort of thing you want to air in public, but Hanson might say something. So might your father. And Caine." Joe shrugged, "Don't think he would have much to say, but gossip tends to circulate in the building better than the air conditioning."


"It will be better if she hears it from us what happened."

"Shouldn't we do that in person?"

"Nah. If we do it in person, she'll just rip into me... or you." [No way in hell am I going to let someone else have another shot at you today, Cowboy. Not going to happen.]

"You don't think she won't rip us a new asshole over the phone?" Levon asked, looking at Joe like he had lost his mind.

"Sure. But we can always put the phone down, or hang up on her."

Levon chuckled. "Oh, I can see that helpin' the whole situation. Lots and lots."

Joe laughed. "Won't help, but I can't see where it could hurt." Seeing Levon's expression, Joe amended that statement. "Okay, so hanging up on her wouldn't be the smartest thing I've ever done, but standing in her office to say all this wouldn't be a whole lot smarter."

"How much we gonna tell her?"

"How much do you want her to know?" Joe was willing to let Levon make this call. [Hell it was his past, his story. If he doesn't want her to know all of it, then that's the way we'll play it.]

Levon sighed. "I might as well tell her all of it. The whole sordid story. Lundy family history at its best... or worst, dependin' on how you look at it. Don't want her to get blindsided if that idiot Hanson does decide to push it. An' she'll be willin' ta back me if she knows why."

"She'd go to bat for you even with out the details." Of that Joe was certain.

Levon smiled slightly. "Yeah, I know. But it wouldn't be right ta ask her ta stand up for me, if I weren't willin' ta tell her why I needed her to."

Joe easily recognized his partner's sense of fair play in that statement. He wouldn't ask a friend to do anything for him with out making sure they knew why he was asking, what he needed and just how much he expected of them. His sense of honor would demand that Joanne have all the details, so that she was free to say yes or no, as her own conscious would dictate. It was another of his partner's old-fashioned traits that Joe found admirable. [Must have been Mother Minnie's influence on him.]

"You want me to tell her?" Joe thought it might be easier for Levon if he was the one to fill their boss in. Recounting all the gory details would be painful, and there wasn't any reason for putting Levon through all that if it weren't absolutely necessary.

"Ya do that?"

"For you...I'd do anything."

Levon reached out and pulled Joe into a fierce hug. "Thank you."

"Anytime. It's what I'm here for." Joe whispered, returning the hug just as fiercely.

They quickly separated when the elevator pinged and the doors opened. Together they exited, in step with each other as always. Heading for the Jimmy, Levon pulled the keys out of his pocket. He handed them to Joe. "Might be better if you drive."

Concerned, Joe looked Levon over. "You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. Just a little...distracted. Too much on my mind fer me ta be drivin'."

Joe could understand that. The whole day wasn't really something either of them had been prepared for. If Levon didn't think he should be driving, Joe wasn't going to argue with him.

Joe fired up the Jimmy, and headed for the ranch. Right now they could both use the peace and quiet that was always found there. He'd gotten used to thinking of the ranch as a place of refuge. Joe pulled into the driveway, feeling better for just being there.

"I need ta check on the horses."

Joe nodded. "While you do that, I'll call Joanne."


"Yeah?" Joe paused, waiting for Levon to continue.

"Did I tell you lately that I love you?"

Joe smiled and placed a warm, tender kiss on Levon's mouth. "Love you too, Cowboy. Now go check on your horses. Take your time. I'll have everything straightened out by the time you're done."

Joe went into the house, while Levon headed for the barn. He quickly dialed Joanne's number. The sooner this was over with the better. Joe began speaking the minute she answered the phone, not giving her a chance to interrupt. He lined out what had happened, from the call Levon received to them leaving Riesner. She was as outraged as Joe, if not more so, when she heard that Levon's father had struck him. She wasn't happy with Joe hearing that he'd evened the score by punching the older Lundy. She understood his reaction, she just wasn't happy with his loss of control.

He choose not to mention that Levon's father had abused him as a child figuring it would be a case of Levon's word against his father's. But he did tell her that the man had nearly beaten Levon to death when he was sixteen. Joe knew that was a matter of public record since Levon's father had actually done time for that offence, albeit only nine months. And the restraining order was likely to still be on file somewhere.

Joanne already knew that Levon hadn't lived with his father since he was sixteen, all Joe did was fill her in on why. Joe recounted the similarities between what happened to Dale Arron last night and what had nearly happened to Levon twenty years ago.

As Joe had expected, Joanne's only concern was that Levon was okay. She was fiercely protective of all her people, but having been partnered with Levon, he held a special place in her heart. She would go to bat for him every time.

"You're sure he's okay?"

Joe shrugged, forgetting for a moment that she couldn't see him. "At the moment... he's doing all right."

"Someone should stay with him just to be sure." Joanne sighed. "He probably won't want anyone hanging around, but he really shouldn't be on his own. Joe, can you stay with him? If you can't, I could swing by---"

"I'm staying." Joe's voice was firm. "Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on him."

"Thanks, Joe. See if you can get him to take the tomorrow morning off. And call me tomorrow before you come in. I'll let you know if there's anything you need to know before you get here."

"Will do." Joe hung up. [Well that went better than I expected. Now, where the hell is Levon?]

Joe stepped out the back door, knowing he could see most of the ranch from the back porch. He spotted Levon leaning against the corral fence, watching the horses. Joe headed over. He wrapped his arms around Levon, holding him in a loose hug, and rested his chin on his lover's shoulder. Levon laid a hand on one of Joe's, his fingers absently stroking Joe's knuckles.

"You get everythin' squared away with Joanne?"

"Yeah. Told her what happened with your old man. She was pissed that I'd hit him, but understood why I did. Didn't give her the whole Lundy family history, though. Just told her about what happened when you were sixteen. Figured there was still an official record for that somewhere. Thought it would be something she could use if that fool Hanson decides to make good on going to the brass. She's willing to go to bat for you no matter what happens. Don't think we've got to worry about having to deal with anything on that front."

Levon just nodded. "She say anything else?"

"Just that you should take tomorrow morning off."

"What for?"

"She's worried about you. It's only been two weeks since you've been cleared for more than light duty. The Thorpe case wasn't exactly a walk in the park...for either of us. She knows that. And this stuff with your father...well, Joanne just wants to make sure you're okay. A little down time is probably a good idea."

Levon sighed, and leaned back into Joe. "I ain't some china doll, ya know."

"No. You're just human."

Levon chuckled, and settled more firmly into Joe's embrace.

They stood like that for several minutes, just absorbing the peace and quiet around them, and simply enjoying being close to each other. Levon brought Joe's hand up, and studied the knuckles. Joe knew they were slightly bruised from the punches he'd landed, but it didn't really hurt. He drew in a sharp breath when he felt Levon's tongue begin to carefully lave each knuckle. He placed gentle kisses across the back of Joe's hand.

"Ya gonna make good on yer promise?"

Joe smiled. "What promise would that be?" Joe let the hand Levon wasn't focusing on slide down his torso, coming to rest on his groin, caressing the growing hardness he could feel through Levon's jeans.

"You know what promise." Levon's voice grew a little rough, and husky. Hearing that, Joe shivered. [Love it when his voice does that.]

Joe dropped his head slightly so he could nuzzle Levon's neck. He breathed in his lover's scent. [God, but he smells good. I could make a fortune if I could bottle the way he smells and sell it as an aphrodisiac.]

He sucked on Levon's ear lobe and then blew across it. Joe grinned when he heard Levon's faint gasp of pleasure. He gently pulled his hand free of Levon's grasp, and started undoing the buttons of his shirt. Once he had enough of them undone, he worked his hand inside to caress the warm expanse of skin under his fingers. Joe was always intrigued by the way Levon's skin felt. It reminded him of satin... soft, smooth and warm.

Levon began shifting his weight from one leg to the other, swaying his hips back and forth, brushing his ass repeatedly against Joe's groin. The friction between Levon's jeans and Joe's slacks made Joe sigh and lean in close, encouraging more contact. They swayed together slowly, lost in the sensations.

Finally, Joe turned Levon so he could kiss him. A deep, passionate kiss that left them both breathless when they managed to break apart. Joe smiled wickedly, enjoying the sight Levon's flushed skin, ragged breathing, shirt half undone, pupils so large his eyes were black. [Lord have mercy, but he is so beautiful.]

"You want to take this into the house?" Joe asked when he managed to find his voice.

Levon took a breath. He swallowed hard. "That would... probably be a... good idea."

They headed for the house, hands brushing occasionally. Joe lifted his hand to Levon's shoulder, and then let it drift from Levon's shoulder to his ass. He could feel his partner tremble under his touch.

Once inside, Joe pinned Levon against the door. He removed Levon's Stetson, so he could have access to his wonderful, silky blond curls. He ran his fingers through Levon's hair, massaging as he went. Levon sighed softly, eyes closed to better enjoy Joe's touch.

Joe tilted his head for a better angle, and kissed him. Their tongues engaged in a lazy duel, thoroughly exploring each other. [If I live to be a hundred, I'll never get enough of this.]

Levon's hands slid down Joe's body to cup his ass. He kneaded gently, encouraging Joe to make slow, leisurely thrusts with his hips.

Joe released Levon's mouth to place butterfly kisses on his eyelids, and across his forehead. He made a point of placing a soft kiss on the faint scar above Levon's right eye. He placed another feather light kiss on the bruise on Levon's left cheek that was beginning to reveal even more color. He remembered his mother saying something about kissing it and making it all better. He fervently wished it were still that easy to fix all of life's pains.

With reluctance, Joe pulled away. Levon whimpered at the lost of contact, and opened his eyes. "Bedroom, Cowboy."

Levon took a deep, shaky breath and nodded. He toed out of his boots, leaving them near the door. He took Joe's hand and pulled him toward the bedroom. He pushed Joe toward the bed. "Sit."

Joe raised an eyebrow, but sat without saying a word. He watched with hungry eyes as Levon slowly undid the remaining buttons on his shirt. He reached out to touch, but Levon stepped away. "Wait."

Levon gracefully shrugged out of his shirt, letting it fall to the floor. His hands ghosted over his chest, tweaking and rubbing his already erect nipples. Levon's eyes closed to mere slits in obvious pleasure.

Joe took a shuddering breath, watching Levon, struggling to stay in control. [God.... God. He looks do incredibly sexy.]

Levon stepped forward, and then sunk easily to his knees, ending up between Joe's legs. He leaned forward and began to slowly unbutton Joe's silk shirt with his teeth. His hands were busy undoing Joe's pants. Joe had never gotten around to asking Levon how he learned to do that with his teeth, and right at the moment he didn't really give a damn. It felt good and that was all that mattered.

Joe let his hands roam freely over Levon's torso. Enjoying both the feel, as well as the breathy sighs and faint moans of pleasure it drew from his lover.

Levon reached up to slid Joe's shirt off and then place his palm flat against Joe's chest. With a little push, he had Joe lying on his back.

"Lift up."

Joe raised his hips off the bed enough for Levon to remove his boxers and his pants. He pushed himself further on to the bed, expecting Levon to join him.

Instead, Levon stepped back. Just far enough to give him room to shimmy out of his jeans.

Joe shuddered once watching Levon wiggle his hips provocatively, and gracefully bend to finally remove the last of his cloths.

With a seductive smile, Levon joined Joe on the bed. He dipped his head to suck on that spot just below Joe's ear that always made him go weak in the knees. Levon nibbled, and licked his way down Joe's neck to his chest, leaving a trail of fire in his wake.

Joe thrust up with his hips, and rolled them over. He laved first one hard pink nub, and then the other. Levon arched his back, and let out a long sigh that came out sounding like a purr. Joe was careful not to spend too much time on his lover's oh so sensitive nipples. He didn't want this to end just yet.

He reached for the lube that was on the night stand. Popping the top he coated his fingers. He inserted one in to Levon's tight, incredibly hot hole.

Levon moaned and rocked his hips back, fucking himself slowly on Joe's finger.

Joe nibbled on the pulse point that was exposed when Levon tipped his head back. Joe inserted another finger. He smiled into Levon's neck hearing another of those purring sighs. Joe lifted his head seeking out Levon's mouth.

They shared a soul searing kiss, tongues dueling briefly.

Joe inserted a third finger, brushing Levon's prostate as he did it.

Levon shuddered, and hugged Joe hard. Joe stroked his prostate again.

"God... Joe... that feels... so good." Levon began to tremble. His breathing so ragged, he was almost sobbing.

"Easy, Cowboy. I got you." Joe reassured his lover, easing his stroking fingers, backing off what he knew was very intense for Levon. After a minute or so, he withdrew his fingers completely.

Levon whimpered. "Please...Joe." Levon arched his back in response to Joe lowering his head to suck one nipple. "God... Joe... Please."

"Please what?"

"Please... I need ya inside... me... please... Joe."

Joe quickly lubed his own throbbing cock. He was leaking so much that the lube probably wasn't really necessary. With one smooth roll of his hips, Joe slid his cock home into Levon's tight heat. He moaned when Levon wrapped his legs around Joe's hips, letting him sink in even deeper.

For a second neither of them moved, enjoying the feeling of being so totally connected. Joe raised his head, and rested his forehead against Levon's.

Levon opened his eyes, and the love and lust Joe could read in their depths made it hard to catch his breath.

With a groan, Joe began to move. His hips began moving in that timeless, passionate rhythm. Levon's hips matching his with each thrust and withdrawal. Joe kissed Levon while getting a hand between them to stroke Levon's weeping cock. He matched their speed and stroke without even thinking about it.

Levon broke the kiss, his head going back, eyes closed, breath coming in harsh pants. Joe nibbled at the exposed pulse point, sucking hard enough to leave a mark. He increased the speed of his thrusts, knowing both of them were near climax.

Raising himself up slightly, Joe altered the angle enough so that he could strike Levon's prostate each time. He could feel tremors beginning to rack his lover's lean frame. "Come on, Cowboy. Come for me. Come for me." Joe whispered encouraging his lover to let go.

"Joe... Jesus... I'm gonna... Oh God... JOE!!" Levon came with a harsh shout, his whole body going tense and trembling so hard he felt like he was vibrating.

Joe felt himself responding to those inner muscle contractions. Seconds later he came so hard he saw stars behind his eyes.

Joe collapsed, his breath coming in harsh gasps. He felt practically boneless, incredibly heavy, and yet weightless at the same time. He'd never expected that sex with Levon would just keep getting better and better, but it did.

Finally his heart rate slowed, and his breathing was back to normal. With a great deal of effort, Joe managed to lever himself off Levon's chest, and look at his lover. Levon was wearing a vacant, contented, totally sated expression.

Levon slowly opened his eyes to look at Joe and smiled. The love and affection in that smile were nearly blinding in their intensity.

Joe felt like he was basking in the rays of the sun.

Levon raised a hand to cup Joe's face, and caress his cheek. Wordlessly, he pulled Joe's head back down to rest on his chest.

It felt good to just lay there listening to Levon's steady heart beat. He snuggled in closer. At that moment, all was right with world. Joe knew it wasn't a feeling that would last for long, but he didn't really care. He knew they were both willing to enjoy it for as long as it lasted.

For now, nothing else in the world existed but for the two of them. When the feeling faded, then they would deal with the rest. He could feel Levon drifting off to sleep. With a sigh, Joe knew he'd be joining him shortly.

[Sleep well, Cowboy. Sleep well.]

The end.

Everything on this page is fiction. Any resemblance or reference to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.