Ezra's Body of Slash Search Results

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3 files were found for your search.
All of them are listed below.
Results are sorted by Author, Ascending.

Title: Hot Wine (8 K)
by Cyc      http://members.fortunecity.com/cycnus39/

Pairing: Ezra/Buck, Ezra/Chris, Ezra/JD, Ezra/Josiah, Ezra/Nathan, Ezra/Vin
originally posted on 07/09/03 - archived on 07/11/03
Universe: Historical open AU - Roman AU
Category: PWP

Summary: Ennius (Ezra) is hot - in more ways than one - and the other members of his cohort step in.

Title: Crossing the Distance (8 K)
by Wyndewalker      http://www.wyndewalker.com
Pairing: Ezra/JD
originally posted on 11/01/01 - archived on 03/07/03
Universe: Old West
Category: Angst, First Time, Series

part of the Distance to Cross series
Summary: JD isn't the only one whose been thinking about that kiss.

Title: Coming Together (24 K)
by Wyndewalker      http://www.wyndewalker.com
Pairing: Ezra/JD
originally posted on 11/01/01 - archived on 03/07/03
Universe: Old West
Category: Drama, Established Relationship, Series

part of the Distance to Cross series
Summary: JD gets tired of waiting for Ezra to decide it's the right time and makes the decision for him. Sequel to Crossing the Distance.

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